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목록기타 등등 (2)
건강하고 행복한 생활
In order to expose your website or blog to a portal site, you need to create a sitemap. There are many sites that create site maps, but the ones I frequently use are: XML Sitemap Generator You can create a sitemap by accessing the site above, entering your website or blog address, and clicking Create Sitemap. If you register the following site map on the portal site, my website or blog can be se..
I have experienced two earthquakes of magnitude 5 and higher in the last four years. I have experienced some minor earthquakes several times in my life, but this is the first time I have experienced an earthquake of magnitude 5 or higher. So at first I was very embarrassed, and aftershocks gave me a small sense of fear. I worry more about my family than it is about me. I thought that I could die..