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건강하고 행복한 생활
My daily life made uncomfortable by corona virus 본문
As the corona virus spreads all over the world, my life has become very uncomfortable. To avoid being infected with the virus, you should wear a protective mask every time you go out and avoid contact with people. So you have to give up visiting restaurants and marts, and buy the items you need at an internet shopping mall. My family also refrains from going to the hospital unless it is very painful.
The spread of corona viruses in Wuhan, China, has not diminished and is spreading to new places. Since no coronavirus treatment or vaccine has been developed so far, people at higher risk are at greater risk. Italy has more than 1000 confirmed patients a day and the death toll continues to rise. Due to the virus's risk of being infected, it's frustrating and boring because you stay home after work. As soon as the corona virus disappears, I want to return to my normal daily life.
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