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How to open when bottle cap does not open 본문
Sometimes bottle caps won't open. If you try to turn around and the lid doesn't open, people around you will try to join them, but the lid will never open. When several people gather together and give back, they may open someday, but they may not open until the end.
If your bottle is slippery and you don't open the bottle cap, you can wear rubber gloves and turn it with force. But sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. Unexpectedly, when the bottle cap does not open, it can be opened easily using a simple principle. Heat it on a plastic or metal lid so you can open it without too much effort.
There are two ways to heat a bottle cap at home. The first is by pouring hot water into the lid. However, the disadvantage of this method is that you must be careful because hot water can break the vial. The second method is to heat the lid with a hair dryer. Heat the lid with hot air and rotate the lid for easy opening. We have learned how to open when the bottle cap does not open.
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